Aloha Friends and Neighbors:
The Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji Mission is proud to have reached 100 years of being part of this close-knit community. Thank you everyone, for your kind support throughout these years. And with your active participation going forward, we can look forward to another 100 years.
Having grown up in Kaneohe and talking story with many of you, our first hundred years have been filled with many fond memories. So many of you have attended our temple’s bon dance – catching up with familiar neighbors & classmates, biting into warm andagi prepared by the Takeno ohana, savoring nishime reminiscent of grandma’s, and dancing to the rhythm of Tanko Bushi. You may have found amazing bargains at our annual plant & rummage sale. Perhaps incense and chanting stirred memories of gratitude while attending a service.
Since the beginning, our temple thrived because of the hard work, teachings and dedication of Reverend Nobuo Matsumoto (please see our tribute below). Reverend Matsumoto was our first (and longest serving) minister at the temple in Kaneohe. Those were adventurous times for many of our ancestors including my parents, who chose to brave the Koolaus, making Kaneohe their new home. Back then, the temple served as a special place to share Buddhism, Japanese traditions, and to grow new friendships.
What can the Kaneohe community expect from our temple going forward? This is an exciting time for everyone. Our vision is to serve our community as a welcoming place to gather, build friendships and share knowledge. We plan to offer classes and create more partnerships; affording more opportunities for the community to come to the temple. With constant change influenced by the causes & conditions we face in our daily life, our temple can serve as a special gathering place where wisdom and compassion may be shared among all; a place where you don’t have to be Buddhist to feel welcome.
Our Board of Directors and myself (a new minister in training who grew up here) can achieve this, but only with your active support. We look forward to your participation and community involvement.
Thank you to all our members, ministers, donors, volunteer “Buddha Buddies,” and supporters for your hard work, generous donations, loyal support, and the sharing of the Dharma.
Reverend CharlAnn Nakamoto
Keep checking this website for updates to activities and services. If you are interested in volunteering or you’re new to our Kaneohe community, reach out to: Rev. Nakamoto at (808) 247-2661 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Notice from the Board of Directors
Dear Dharma Members and Friends:
We are continuing Dharma gatherings on most Sundays at Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji. Check this website for the most current information on temple services and activities. Members and friends of the temple are excited to have Reverend CharlAnn Nakamoto recently appointed a Minister's Assistant by the Director of Higashi Honganji Hawaii District, Rinban Kenjun Kawawata. Rev. Nakamoto has enthusiasm and energy that is leading our small, but growing, congregation. The Kaneohe temple is a long-standing pillar in the community and a welcoming gathering place for local fellowship and spiritual growth.
A flexible monthly approach to Dharma activities includes discussion sessions on Shin Buddhism; guest speakers; and reviews of Shin Buddhism literature. We also ask for your inputs and areas of interest so we may offer meaningful gatherings.
Looking forward to your participation.
All are welcome!
In gassho,
Bill Yamanaka, Board Chair
Upcoming temple events:
22nd - 3-D Origami class, 10-11:30am (Saturday), with Jeanne Kawawata at Kaneohe Temple
23rd - Rennyo Shonin Memorial Service, 10am (Sunday), [at Betsuin]
30th - Spring Ohigan service, 9am (Sunday), with Bishop Kenjun Kawawata at Kaneohe Temple
6th - Hawaii Buddhist Council Hanamatsuri Service, 9:30am (Sunday) at Soto Mission of Hawaii, 1708 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu
13th - Dharma Sharing, 9am (Sunday), with Mary Matsuda at Kaneohe Temple
20th - Temple Clean-up, 9am (Sunday), Kaneohe Temple
27th - Hanamatsuri Service, 9am (Sunday), with Rev. Akiko Okada at Kaneohe Temple
A tribute to the late Reverend Nobuo Matsumoto, to whom we dedicated the 2024 Centennial celebration. With much gratitude for all who have been part of Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji’s long journey:
October 19, 2024
The Reverend Nobuo Matsumoto came to America as the eldest and heir apparent to his family temple in Fukushima, Japan. The opportunity to send one of his four sons to minister in America presented itself to his father in the late 1930’s. Nobuo, being the eldest of four sons was sent to America to learn and experience our great country. After five years, he was to return to Fukushima where he was to become the head minister of the family temple whose history spanned more than ten generations.
Shortly after being assigned to the Berkeley Higashi Hongwanji, Pearl Harbor was bombed and all people of Japanese ancestry, immigrant and citizens, were forced into incarceration in what was first called, Concentration Camps. That terminology was eventually “softened” and called Relocation Centers. Reverend Matsumoto, as a single male with a work visa and no local family, was sent to Heart Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming.
One of the main church leaders of the temple was Maruo Fujii and his family. His entire family was relocated to Poston, California. Though details are sketchy as to what agreement existed between Maruo Fujii and Reverend Matsumoto, Nobuo implored government officials to have him reunited with his fiancé. They were both transferred to Gila River Relocation Camp where they married.
In Fall of 1945 Reverend Matsumoto, his wife, Tomoko and two little girls were released and allowed to make their way back home to Berkeley. Although he was supposed to have returned to Japan at that time, his father advised Nobuo to stay in Hawaii as Japan was devastated and his father felt that Nobuo would be able to help the family and the home temple in Fukushima better by remaining in America.
In 1947 or 1948, Reverend Matsumoto and his family of five by then was transferred to Hawaii; his mission, to help reopen Higashi Hongwanji temples in Hawaii which were forced to close during the war years. After spending two years in Palama, he was assigned to the Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji Mission where he was to spend and dedicate his entire ministerial career and life.
He loved the people of Kaneohe and being part of their lives as everyone struggled through the difficult time of post-war Hawaii. He and his wife, Tomoko, played a vital part in the development of the young children’s identity and education. Reverend Matsumoto considered the temple community an extension of his own family until his death in December 1985.
A major pivot point in his life was the great decision of whether to return to Fukushima and the family temple after both nations somewhat healed after the war. It was a very difficult decision as Reverend Matsumoto felt the responsibility to the family lineage and temple history but his love for the people of Kaneohe made it impossible to leave. Therefore, when he became a US citizen, he knew that he had chosen with his heart and not simply by tradition.
Suggested reading:
River of Fire, River of Water: An introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism
Taitetsu Unno, a prominent scholar and authority on Shin or Pure Land Buddhism, delves into the profound teachings of this spiritual tradition in his book titled "River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism." Exploring the essence of this work, Dr. Unno introduces readers to Pure Land Buddhism, a most popular form of Buddhism in Japan, practiced by common people, making it harmonious with daily life. Its goal, like other Buddhist schools, is the awakening of the true self. Dr. Unno’s spiritual insight and scholarship contribute to the growing practice of Buddhism in the United States. This work stands alongside other influential books in the field of Buddhism, such as Three Pillars of Zen, The Miracle of Mindfulness, and Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind1. If you’re curious about the path of awakening and the interplay of spirituality with everyday life, this book offers valuable insights.
For those interested, you can explore the book on platforms such as The Maida Center (link in right margin), Amazon, Rakuten Kobo, and
Select Sunday Service videos are on YouTube, Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji, click here.
For an archive of past services, click archive.
The Maida Center of Buddhism (link in right margin)
The Maida Center is an excellent resource for Shin Buddhism. Their website includes articles by the Center's Director, Dr. Nobuo Haneda; their newsletter, THE DHARMA BREEZE; and the availability of books and lecture videos on Shin Buddhism.
{Please note that temple services and activities listed are subject to governmental directives for public health.}
We are grateful for your DANA donations so this temple may continue to serve as your DOJO (place to learn). Remember, we request your suggestions on areas you find of interest. Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji, 45-520 Keaahala Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744
About Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji
The Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji temple was established in 1924 to serve the residents of Kaneohe and continues to serve a broader community. While the Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji temple is located on the Windward side of Oahu, its membership includes residents of other parts of the island, California, Nevada, and Washington state.
Buddha's teachings, by virtue of its transcendental nature, were for a long time limited only to the educated and the elite and therefore beyond the comprehension of the common masses. Shinran Shonin, the founder of our sect (Jodo Shinshu or Shin Buddhism) of Pure Land Buddhism, made Buddha's teachings understandable to the masses and showed us how the teachings are relevant to our daily lives.
While many people think of Buddhism only as it is related to death, on the contrary, Jodo Shinshu emphasizes how each of us can make the best of our lives here and now.