Notice from the Board of Directors
Dear Dharma Members and Friends:
      We are continuing our Sunday Dharma gatherings at Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji with a monthly format which will include: interpersonal exchanges; Question and Answer sessions on Buddhist concepts; guest speakers; and discussions on Shin Buddhism literature.

       Stay tuned for more information. Looking forward to your active support and participation.

All are welcome!
In gassho,
Mary Matsuda, Co-Chair
CharlAnn Nakamoto, Co-Chair & Treasurer

Near term, tentative plans for temple activities:
4 Prepare food & goods for Windward Mall Obon Festival – Fri. 9:30 am.
5 Windward Mall Obon Festival - Sat. 3:45 pm – 8:30 pm
6 Temple Clean-up
6 Centennial Celebration Committee Meeting 11:00 am.
13 Yard Clean-up
19 Centennial Service & Invitational Luncheon – Sat. 9:30 am. / 11:30 am.
27 Dharma Sharing by Sangha at 9:00, followed by Board Meeting 11:00 am.
3 Pending
10 Dharma Talk by Alan Goto – “Life’s Journey & Gratitude”
17 Hoonko Service by Rev. Steven Toyoshima & Rev. Akiko Okada
24 Pending
Join us at the Windward Mall Bon Dance Festival on Saturday, October 5 from 3:45 - 8:30 pm. In addition to that joint bon dance festival with Windward Buddhist Temple, Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji Mission is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. Visit our table dressed in your favorite yukata, kimono or happi coat that night and receive a free bon dance towel. Complimentary kimono & yukata dressing assistance will be available from 3:45 pm.
Centennial anniversary festivities continue on Saturday, October 19, at Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji's temple, with a special service at 9:30 am.
(An *Invitation only* luncheon will take place after the service for Gojikai temple members and active temple volunteers.
See you at the Windward Mall Bon Dance Festival on October 5th!
Here's a link to more info on it from the mall management... 

Suggested reading: 
River of Fire, River of Water: An introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism
Taitetsu Unno, a prominent scholar and authority on Shin or Pure Land Buddhism, delves into the profound teachings of this spiritual tradition in his book titled "River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism." Exploring the essence of this work, Dr. Unno introduces readers to Pure Land Buddhism, a most popular form of Buddhism in Japan, practiced by common people, making it harmonious with daily life. Its goal, like other Buddhist schools, is the awakening of the true self. Dr. Unno’s spiritual insight and scholarship contribute to the growing practice of Buddhism in the United States. This work stands alongside other influential books in the field of Buddhism, such as Three Pillars of ZenThe Miracle of Mindfulness, and Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind1. If you’re curious about the path of awakening and the interplay of spirituality with everyday life, this book offers valuable insights.

For those interested, you can explore the book on platforms such as The Maida Center (link in right margin), AmazonRakuten Kobo, and


Select Sunday Service videos are on YouTube, Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji, click here 

For an archive of past services, click archive.


The Maida Center of Buddhism (link in right margin)

The Maida Center is an excellent resource for Shin Buddhism. Their website includes articles by the Center's Director, Dr. Nobuo Haneda; their newsletter, THE DHARMA BREEZE; and the availability of books and lecture videos on Shin Buddhism. 


{Please note that temple services and activities listed are subject to governmental directives for public health.}

We are grateful for your DANA donations so this temple may continue to serve as your DOJO (place to learn); Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji, 45-520 Keaahala Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744

Water lilly

About Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji

     The Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji temple was established in 1924 to serve the residents of Kaneohe and continues to serve a broader community. While the Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji temple is located on the Windward side of Oahu, its membership includes residents of other parts of the island, California, Nevada, and Washington state. 

    Buddha's teachings, by virtue of its transcendental nature, were for a long time limited only to the educated and the elite and therefore beyond the comprehension of the common masses. Shinran Shonin, the founder of our sect (Jodo Shinshu or Shin Buddhismof Pure Land Buddhism, made Buddha's teachings understandable to the masses and showed us how the teachings are relevant to our daily lives.

     While many people think of Buddhism only as it is related to death, on the contrary, Jodo Shinshu emphasizes how each of us can make the best of our lives here and now.
